Wallet Integration
This integration document serves as a reference for developers building dApps that utilize RainbowKit and intend to support the E Money Wallet. While RainbowKit provides a foundation, some UI Kits might have additional considerations.
This integration guide assumes you have a RainbowKit (https://www.rainbowkit.com/docs/introduction) project set up in your application.
You can use any other alternative to the RainbowKit.
Define the EMoney Testnet Chain
The code utilizes a custom chain definition for the EMoney Testnet. You'll need to create a similar definition for your desired EMoney Network (Mainnet, Testnet, etc.) following this structure:
Create the EMoney Wallet Definition
Define a Wallet object representing the EMoney Wallet in your application. This object specifies details like the wallet's ID, name, icons, mobile/extension integration instructions, and the connector creation function.
EMoney Provider: (enkrypt.providers.ethereum)
The provided code checks for injected EMoney providers and uses the WalletConnect connector as a fallback. You can adjust this logic based on your preference.
Configure RainbowKit
Import the necessary functions from RainbowKit.
Define your RainbowKit configuration object (rainbowConfig).
Include the custom emoneyTestnet chain and the EMoney wallet in the configuration.
Set your projectId obtained from RainbowKit.
Wrap your Application with Providers
Create a component named Providers that wraps your application with the necessary providers:
WagmiProvider: Provides a context for Wagmi functionalities.
QueryClientProvider: Manages data fetching with React Query.
RainbowKitProvider: Initializes RainbowKit with your configuration.
Usage in your Application
Import the Providers component and wrap your application with it to enable RainbowKit and the EMoney Wallet integration.
Congratulations! You've integrated the E Money Wallet.
(Successful E Money Wallet integration might require further customizations tailored to your specific application logic.)
For any questions or if you require further assistance, please don't hesitate to contact E Money support at support@emoney.com
Last updated