E Money Network Bridge Contracts
E Money Network Bridge is a trustless bridge. Trustless bridges enable cross-chain transfers without needing a centralised custodian which makes it a safer option for interoperability. Hence, our bridge is able to support asset transfer over EVM chains, Ethereum, Polygon and Binance Smart Chain(BSC).
Scallop’s E Money Network Bridge uses Chainbridge standard contracts for bridging tokens over supported EVM chains by using Bridge contracts, ERC20/EMYC20 handlers, Relayers and Generic handlers. A bridge contract on each chain forms either side of a bridge.
Handler contracts
Handler contracts allow for customisable behaviour upon receiving transactions to and from the bridge. For example, locking up an asset on one side and minting a new asset on the other side of the bridge. By allowing ERC20/EMYC20 handler contracts to exist on the source and target chains enables, the locking/unlocking of tokens on the source chain and minting/burning tokens on target chains simultaneously. Transaction liquidity is protected by using the on-chain ERC20/EMYC20 contracts and assets can only be withdrawn or deposited once they abide by the contract rules.
Relayers are used for the validation of transfers across the Chainbridge. Three Relayers serve as the distributed bridging authorities and event proposers (propose/execute). They are responsible for either the issuance or consumption of tokens among other things. When or if a consensus is reached between this group of Relayers they will communicate this to their corresponding chain contracts.
Generic Handler
Generic Handlers are highly customisable. A handler contract can be deployed to perform a variety of actions. These include bridging generic data or documents over different EVM chains like Ethereum, Polygon and Binance Smart Chain (BSC).
The configurations of the existing contracts and their deployments can be found on the configurations page.
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